Camden Travis Street
2700 Travis St.
Houston, Texas 77006
1.3 miles from office
Camden Travis Street is all about location and style! Camden Travis Street is just a short distance to surrounding destinations such as recreational venues, popular area dining, entertainment, shopping, and night-life. Camden Travis Street is within close proximity of the Metro rail line and convenience to Downtown and the Medical Center.
Community Amenities:
Resort-style Swimming Pool
Fitness Center
Business Center
Social Network Cafe with Wi-Fi
Valet Trash Pick-up
Garage Parking
Gated-entry/Controlled Access
Apartment Features:
Stainless Steel Appliances
Spacious Walk-in closets
Gourmet Kitchen
Custom Cabinets
Granite Countertops
Ceiling Fans
Decorator Accents
Oval Garden Bathtub
Crown Molding